Counterfactuals, LLC

Tyler Hanson

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I typically work with early- to mid-stage companies who are interested in establishing a data analytics practice for the first time, or would like to address technical debt in their current analytics implementation.

This involves some or all of the following components:
An effective analytics practice seeks to simplify the business functions it supports by providing clarity and answering key questions. A poorly-implemented analytics practice can end up doing the opposite, by adding new tools and complexity that obfuscates the truth that business leaders should be seeking. Long turnaround times and poor communication from an analytics team can frustrate their stakeholders and create a negative feedback loop of lost trust.

I aim to prevent this by creating a data analytics infrastructure that is as simple as possible while still addressing key business needs in the present and future. Crucially, it’s key to understand that scalable data infrastructure doesn’t just include the technical aspects of a data practice (data ingestion, transformation, and dashboards), but also “softer” aspects like metric design, stakeholder management, expectation management, and analytical communication. From early on, my goal when establishing an analytics practice is to set sustainable expectations regarding data availability and latency and to prioritize delivering high-quality analysis in a timely manner.

When discussing a new project with a business leader, I like to start with some of the following questions: